Lake Michigan Lake Trout Fishing

Lake trout inhabit cold, oxygen-rich waters. They are pelagic during the period of summer stratification in dimictic lakes, often living at depths of 20–60 m (66–197 ft).
The lake trout is a slow-growing fish, typical of oligotrophic waters. It is also very late to mature. Populations are extremely susceptible to overfishing. Many native lake trout populations have been severely damaged through the combined effects of hatchery stocking (planting) and over harvest.
Interested in Fishing Lake Trout on Lake Michigan?
The middle of May through June is Coho Salmon, Lake Trout, Brown Trout and Steelhead season with a few early season King Salmon mixed in.
Starting in June is when things really get going and fishing can be amazing! From June through the first week of July is predominantly Coho Salmon, Steelhead, and Trophy Lake Trout season, with more and more King Salmon showing up each week.