Coho Salmon Fishing in Lake Michigan

In North America, coho salmon is a game fish in fresh and salt water from July to December, especially with light fishing tackle. It is one of the most popular sport fish in the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada. Its popularity is due in part to the reckless abandon which it frequently displays chasing bait and lure while in salt water, and the large number of coastal streams it ascends during its spawning runs. Its habit of schooling in relatively shallow water, and often near beaches, makes it accessible to anglers on the banks, as well as in boats.
Ready to chase Coho on Lake Michigan?
The middle of May through June is Coho Salmon, Lake Trout, Brown Trout and Steelhead season with a few early season King Salmon mixed in.
Starting in June is when things really get going and fishing can be amazing! From June through the first week of July is predominantly Coho Salmon, Steelhead, and Trophy Lake Trout season, with more and more King Salmon showing up each week.